Why Having a Transcendent Purpose Matters
We are called to something transcendent. The question is whether we will stop to discover what it is, and to do it.

Why Aren't You Happy?
There is a God-sized hole in the heart of every human. Only God can fill that space, and your joy depends on it.

Walk Away From The Goatlife - Choose a Life of Significance
You only have one life, and you get to choose what it will stand for. Why not make the highest investment you ever could: significance in th

Don't Look Down on Small Beginnings
There is a tendency to attach significance to big numbers. Results matter. But we should not look down on small beginnings. Quality often tr

It's All in Your Mind
"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven." John Milton. To achieve success you must t

What's Stopping You?
To become all that you were created to be you must overcome fear, seeking permission to shine, playing small and lack of vision. There's

Don't Let Stress Kill You - It Ain't Worth it
You ever have “one of those days?” Well, of course you have. If you’re in business or doing anything worthwhile, you’re bound to have...

The Truth About Transition
Transition sucks. It’s no-man’s-land. It’s being in the middle of the desert, undecided whether to go forward, backward or nowhere at...

Dealing With Disappointment
In any worthwhile endeavor, you will meet with disappointment. You must be ready to face your disappointments and to overcome them. Here'

Success Secrets From A #Shark
Success is not easy, but it can be predicted. Follow these 10 Success Secrets from your favorite #shark, Daymond John to level up your life.