Why Having a Transcendent Purpose Matters
We are called to something transcendent. The question is whether we will stop to discover what it is, and to do it.

Walk Away From The Goatlife - Choose a Life of Significance
You only have one life, and you get to choose what it will stand for. Why not make the highest investment you ever could: significance in th

We Wanna Be Like Them
There's a temptation to compare yourself to other people. Especially when things aren't as we'd like them to be. But the only wo

Don't Let Stress Kill You - It Ain't Worth it
You ever have “one of those days?” Well, of course you have. If you’re in business or doing anything worthwhile, you’re bound to have...

The Truth About Transition
Transition sucks. It’s no-man’s-land. It’s being in the middle of the desert, undecided whether to go forward, backward or nowhere at...

Time Out!
When you're pushing 52 years old, it's not fun being reminded of your age. Yet, the reminders are everywhere. Learn how to Rest, Res

The Five D's of Getting Things Done (Part Four - Discipline)
Getting things done requires discipline. In order to strengthen your discipline you should become accountable, automate the process, stay co

The Five D's of Getting Things Done (Part Three - Design)
To get things done, you've got to design a plan that works. Put your plans in writing, gather an excellent team, and self-assess often.

The Five D's of Getting Things Done (Part Two - Direction)
In order to get things done, you need to have a clear direction. Without a clear direction, you will wander aimlessly. Clarify your directio

Ten Leaders to Avoid Becoming - Part Two
Your enterprise will rise or fall on the strength of your leadership team. Let me know if you've ever seen any of these characters and...