Cry Out To God In The Battle
There's a section of the Old Testament that chronicles the genealogies of the people who left Egypt with Moses and who populated the Promised Land. Much of it is a chronicling of family names and the geography they settled in. But in Scripture as in life, if you pay attention, there are hidden gems to learn from.
As these families entered the Promised Land they realized quickly that they had a battle on their hands. The territory they were promised by God was occupied by others. They had to decide whether they would trust God and face the challenges, or whether they would shrink back.
Here's the truth. Some did (trust God) and some didn't.
Some went down to the battlefield fully believing that if God had sent them into that land, He would make good on His promise to deliver it to them. Others bailed on the mission in fear of their enemies.
Friends, whether it was thousands of years ago on the battlefields of the Middle East or in this day and hour, the choice is still the same: who are you going to trust?
In 1 Chronicles 5:18-22, a story is told of several tribes who went to war and "cried out to God in the battle." The text goes on to say they were victorious "because it was God's battle."
That is a gentle reminder to us today.
We are facing a global crisis together, but we've been here before. We can trust God or we can trust ourselves.
I suggest that we follow the example of the warriors in the story above: call on God in the battle. We must follow precautions given by our public health officials and leaders, but our ultimate trust belongs to God because so does the battle.
Here are some ways you can stoke your faith as we go through this crisis:
(1) Spend 10-15 minutes each day alone in a time of Scripture reading and prayer. There's no substitute for the word of God in delivering understanding, a sense of peace and God's presence in times of trouble.
(2) Communicate often with your loved ones. This is where technology really helps. There are video conferencing platforms like Zoom that allow (depending on your version of the App) up to 100 people on a call.
This allows you to see your friends and family even though you may be far away. You can download the Zoom App to your telephone. tablet or desktop computer.
Have a virtual family meeting! It works!
(3) Stay abreast of what's going on but don't overdo it. There's a barrage of information awaiting anyone who wants to be buried under it. Most of it is repetitive. Much of it is negative. Check in every so often, but ask God to show you creative ways to use your time.
(4) Train your mind to look for the good in the crisis. The Bible says that God works even bad things for the good of those who love Him. No one wants this awful health crisis. But can you find some good in it? You will find what you look for.
Turn to God in your battle. He's already turned to you.
PS! Please consider purchasing my new e-Book, "God Help Me I'm Stressed." Learn how to access the power of God to overcome stress and anxiety!
Wayne and Sharon
Gill Family Ministries is a 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the sharing of God's love. Please consider a generous tax-deductible donation. Please see the "Donate" button at the top of the page.