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Embrace Your God-Given Identity

Today I revisited Ezekiel Chapter 37 in a Quiet Time with God.

In that Chapter, God showed Ezekiel a valley filled with dry bones.

He then gave Ezekiel these instructions, "Prophesy concerning these bones and say to them ... 'I will cause breath to enter you, and you will live.'"

So Ezekiel prophesied as he was told and the dry bones came back to life, forming a vast army before him in the valley.

As I read the remaining chapter, I was struck by the incredible power of God.

He can heal the sick.

He can give sight to the blind.

He can cause dry bones to take on flesh and live!

He could have also caused the dry bones to live without Ezekiel's involvement.

But prophets are made to prophesy.

So God commissioned Ezekiel to exercise his faith, prophetic calling, and gifts.

It is the same for you and me.

God gave us spiritual giftings and diverse callings.

It's up to us to embrace that God-given identity and to walk it out.

If you are a singer, I encourage you to sing with all your heart.

If you are a leader, then lead with diligence.

If you have the gift of hospitality, invite someone over.

These are stressful times, as it was in Ezekiel's day. But there is a supernatural joy that comes from serving others with your gifts from the Lord.

I pray that blesses you today.

Drop us a line if we can pray for you!


PS: If you'd like to pursue the question of God's vision for your life, please click the links below to get a copy of "How To Know God's Vision For Your Life," or "God Help Me I'm Stressed!"

You can also purchase Sharon's Bible Study "The GORGEOUS Woman," by clicking this link!

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