Life Demands A Big Ask

I am always amazed at the number of believers who tell me their lives are boring or that they are in a rut. These believers rarely experience the hand of God in their lives or rarely seem to recognize it. This is a shame.
Believers worship the God who created all things, made man in His image and placed him as the crowning achievement of all creation. A personal God who relates to men as individuals and who showers their lives with blessings.
A supernatural and extraordinary God, beyond comprehension and description. Yet on one hand we say we're connected to this awesome God and on the other, we live lives that bear little evidence of it.
I call this gap between the reality of God and the reality many believers experience the “Faith Gap.” There are many reasons for this gap, but I believe a major reason stems from our misinterpretation of who God is and who we are in God. Because of this misunderstanding, we greatly underestimate God and therefore ourselves.
We don’t truly believe in the greatness of God and so we ask very little of Him or nothing at all. Scripture confirms this statement. More than three thousand years ago, the prophet Isaiah lamented that when it comes to seeking God, “there is none who calls on your name, who stirs himself to take hold of you.”
This sentiment is also echoed in the New Testament. James, the brother and disciple of Christ, says it bluntly, “You do not have because you do not ask.” In sharp contrast to our failure to “stir ourselves up” to believe God for something great is the actual word of God. In it, God implores His people to call upon Him for a larger life:
“Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3
Not only does God implore His people to ask for a larger life, God promises to answer us! What is also amazing about God is that when He does answer our prayers, He far exceeds our expectations. God will not be outdone by anyone, and so when you go to Him in faith, seeking for something God-sized—something that only He can do—get ready to receive a blessing far beyond your own imagination.
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Ephesians 3:20.
With such fantastic promises in the Word of God, it is amazing that we fail to take Him at His Word and we settle for far less than our full potential.
As believers, we leave far too many blessings “on the table.” God is gracious and He provides for us in innumerable ways, without us ever asking. However, He invites us to ask for a reason: to show Himself strong on our behalf.
God wants your ask because He wants to show you His power and strengthen your faith. He desires to accomplish great things through you—things you could never accomplish on your own.
Life is precious and filled with wonderment and awe. God has been so good to us that our response should be to live the life He’s given to the fullest.
In short, life demands a big ask!
It demands that you put forth your ask in proportion to the size of the God you are asking. It demands that you stir yourself up and believe God for a magnificent life—one that has His signature on it.

So, what are you lacking in life? Is your life going in the right direction? Are there doors that you need unlocked or favor that you require? Is there an obstacle or desire of your heart that seems impossible?
I have a one-word answer for you: Ask.
When you ask, “it will be given to you,” and when you seek, “you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8.
I can't say it any simpler than that. I believe we miss God’s best by complicating His message. We find it hard to believe that God is that accessible or that He will bless us as He says. We readily acknowledge that He may do that for others, but we fail to apply the promises to ourselves.
It is my prayer that this post will change your mind—that it will spur you to turn to the Lord in faith concerning the desires of your heart. And then to persist in faith until you see them changed or realized.
We serve an all-powerful God and He has tremendous plans to work through your life—plans to prosper you greatly. God’s goodness is abundant, stored up and waiting for you.
The question is, what are you asking God for?
Is it God-sized or is it something you could accomplish on your own?
Recently, God has challenged me to elevate my ask and therefore, to elevate my faith. I want to invite you on the journey.
What do you really want to ask God for? Not what feels safe. I mean the big, impossible dream of your heart.
"Ask, and you shall receive, seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you!"
Drop us a line and let us know what you're praying about. We'd love to join you. God moves mountains, but we must ask!
As you may know, we've just launched Gill Family Ministries. This blog is a part of the ministry. Please spend some time on the site and be encouraged!
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* Please pray for me, Sharon and Gill Family Ministries;
* Please pick up a copy of my new eBook: "God Help Me I'm Stressed." Learn how to access the power of God to carry you through stressful times!
* If you are a woman, please consider signing up for Sharon's Mentoring Circle by clicking this link. Doors have closed for the January 2020 Circle, but another group will begin in March, so sign up on the link above to be sure to have a seat!
* Please consider signing up for our God's Vision Mentoring Circle! Classes for both Circles will fill up fast so please use the links above to get on the Waiting Lists!
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